Bug in the "Revelar" theme

  • I adopted the “Revelar” theme on a test site and found it has a bug for the desktop view: the title is vertical, not horizontal.

    See the normal behavior of the theme:

    and here how it is now:

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Howdy @radtrad

    I’ve tried this on a test site and seem to not be able to reproduce this appearance. Here is what I show when I try: https://d.pr/i/m6CcxK

    Out of curiosity was it appearing normal before this change? Do you recall if you were working on anything on your site around the time that you noticed the text was vertical?

    Thanks for the additional info!

  • Yes, everything was normal and I didn’t make any changes to the site other than changing the theme.


  • I tested it on another site and the theme behaved as expected! That’s good, because then the problem is with my test site and not with the theme, which is practical and beautiful.

  • I tested it again on another site, and the problem appeared again… strange…

  • Out of curiosity is it tied to the language settings of the site? That was not easy to test on our end but since you are able I’m curious if the site without the issue is set to a different language, or has some other setting that is different from the others.

    Thanks for the additional info!

  • They are set to the same language and I couldn’t identify any discrepancies in the settings. However, I know that some themes have problems on certain sites (and I have a positive experience in this regard on another site, as the bug resulted in a modification that I consider aesthetically beautiful).


  • My purpose here was just to report a possible bug in a theme that I find very useful and beautiful, but as this doesn’t seem to be the case (the problem is with my testing site), so I consider it’s ok :)

    Thanks for your attention @staff-totoro !

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