BUG: "Follow Me" popup will not dismiss with Nuntius Theme

  • ISSUE SUMMARY: The “Follow Me” popup window on my blog blocks the page for anyone viewing on an iPad. I have tried to dismiss and move the box, but it doesn’t go away and will track the page as I scroll to remain in view.

    See this link for a screen shot of the problem

    NOTE: I have turned OFF the “Follow Me” on my page right now as I’m getting way too many complaints. To see an example see this link

    Technical Info:

    1. I am using the ‘Nuntius’ Theme (it has NOT been modified, I have paid for the upgrade but haven’t edited the theme.
    2. I have replicated this issue on my own iPad (OS. 4.3.4) using Safari Browser.

    Can anyone please help? I do like the feature, but the pop-up needs to be ‘dismissable’ or at very least ‘moveable’

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • This thread has been flagged for Themes Staff attention.

  • @wilkes888,

    I have not been able to replicate the issue. This is how it looks on my iPad (OS5.1.1.) as it should be. I am able to open close the box without any issue.

    I’ve noticed you are using old iOS, I’m not sure if that is the cause, but it worth to update your iOS to the latest version to see if the issue goes away.

  • Hi iamtakahi

    Thanks for trying to replicate… that’s exactly the behaviour I was looking for.

    HOWEVER: This issue is with my readers viewing this page… (not me). I understand what you’re saying, however what you’re suggesting won’t resolve the issue, as my iPad OS version won’t help others viewing their my blog. Sorry if I’m being unclear.

    timethief. Are you confusing this issue. I can’t see how the version of WordPress for iOS is related to viewing a WordPress blog on an iPad. These are two different things or have I missed something here?

  • I was confusing the issue and am now looking for a large rock to hide behind. :(

  • @wilkes888,

    Do you see the same issue once you update the iOS to the latest version?

  • Did you understand my last reply?

  • Yes, I understand that :)

    I have replicated this issue on my own iPad (OS. 4.3.4) using Safari Browser.

    You have replicated the issue on your own iPad, haven’t you? So it worth to see if the issue remains after you update your iPad. If the issue goes away, then your reader also is using the old iOS. That’s my point of asking you to update your iOS.

  • timethief: No problem… I thought I’d double check.

    iamtakashi: I am not trying to be difficult but I want to make sure that you understand that my version of the Apple OS will NOT affect how OTHERS will view my site.

  • I am not anywhere with a cable so I cant update the OS right now.

    IF upgrading resolves the issue on my iPad, how would we proceed then?

    I can’t control who surfs into the site so I can’t tell everyone to upgrade… especially if it’s a new user who I don’t know.

    I am now aware of two people who have told me that they didn’t subscribe as the pop-up annoyed them as they couldn’t see images properly.

    Have I missed something? I still don’t understand how pinpointing the issue as an Apple OS version issue will help (unless it helps you to make it backwards compatible)?

  • iamtakashi: I am not anywhere with a cable so I cant update the OS right now.

    IF upgrading resolves the issue on my iPad, how would we proceed then?

    I can’t control who surfs into the site so I can’t tell everyone to upgrade… especially if it’s a new user who I don’t know.

    I am now aware of two people who have told me that they didn’t subscribe as the pop-up annoyed them as they couldn’t see images properly. I still don’t understand how pinpointing the issue as an Apple OS version issue will help (unless it helps you to make it backwards compatible)?

    Have I missed something?

  • @wilkes888,

    Yes. I totally understand about updating your iOS is not helping how others see your site.

    However, I don’t have old version of iOS at the moment and I’m asking you to upgrade yours to see if I and you would see the same result. That would help me to narrow down the cause of issue and if the old version of iOS is the cause, you can recommend your reader to update their version.

    Is there any reason, you don’t want to even try update your iOS?

  • iamtakashi: Thanks for clarification… the reason why I’m a little reticent to attempt an upgrade is that

    1. The upgrade process for my iPhone (in it’s entirety) took me several hours as I lot a lot of settings as it took me a long time to
    2. The upgrade process forced me to upgrade a lot of software which forced some bugs on me with new versions.

    Finally (and most importantly)

    3. I’m not a home and I don’t have the cable so I can’t do it right now!

    Now that I totally understand where you’re coming… let me put a shout out and see if I can find someone else with the old software. If you can find someone too I’d be very grateful…

    (Apologies, I think I’ve been jaded by bad experiences with support forums before).

  • No apologies needed, wilkes888, and I’m sorry you had bad experience with support forum before.

    I’m not saying the old version of iOS is definitely the cause and updating might not even help but because it looks as expected on mine with the latest iOS, I suspected that’s the cause as my first guess.

    Even Apple doesn’t say publicly, they fix numerous bugs in Safari everytime they update iOS. I hear you saying that we can’t control what people use to view the site but it’s users responsibility to keep their device up to date to have great experience on the web. We make WordPress.com backcompatible whenever we can but not always possible especially an old browser has issues.

    Just to be clear, this is happening on iPad not iPhone, isn’t it? You said iPhone in the last comment.

    Again, I’m not 100% sure if updating iOS makes the issue goes away but it’s certainly a start.


    Step 1. Open Safari on your iPad
    Step 2. Make sure you’ve logged out of WordPress
    Step 3. Browse to this page on my blog
    Step 4. Look at the pop-up that says “Enter your email address”. Does it block the screen? Click on the “+” icon on the pop up.

    Does it hide itself like in this page 


    Does it annoyingly block the screen and stay that like this page?

    Please let us know in the comments along with your iPad operating system. (To find your OS go to “Settings | General | About” and look at “Version” half way down. Mine says 4.3.4) 


  • iamtakashi:

    The problem is definitely on the iPad

    Yes I did say iPhone… that’s because I’m referring to the process I underwent on my iPhone… It was so bad that I haven’t tried it on my iPad!

  • iamtakashi:

    A follower has responded to me claiming that he still has the issue after clearing the cache.

    He is using an iPad with OS 5.1 (9B176) so it’s definitely not isolated to my version of the iPad version (OS. 4.3.4).

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