Browse all tab

  • I just started to mess with wordpress the other day and until yesterday I did not know there was supposed to be a “Browse All” tab. I can successfully upload files and it creates the subdirectories but not one installation ive done has had the tab. Can someone suggest a fix for this problem?

  • I’ve never heard of such a tab on the MU themes we use in I’m wondering if it’s possible that the tab is only on files that are not shared as ours are but are individually uploaded onto your own server or to be a webhost?

  • Timethief there is a “browse all” tab on the write page, its for photo uploads. And sdmb I don’t have an answer for you, except use the feedback form to ask the admins about it. They answer pretty quickly

  • DUH! Of course there is and I use it all the time [she said smacking the heel of her hand on her forhead and lol]. The whole directories and subdirectories spiel threw me right off my game. What is the tie in between the two (browse all for images) and sub-directories? [she wondered out loud] And, dDo we really expect a quick turnaround time from admin in a long weekend? Nah – well, maybe …

  • I have the browse all tab on my normal 2.0.3 installs. I think it was there on normal 2.0.2 as well. I don’t think it’s MU specific.

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