Broken statistics

  • Hi,

    I realised that after the update of, unfortunately, my statistics are broken. Before, I saw different sources of traffic as well as my own visits. Currently, even if I have a lot of clicks in links which I share, unfortunately, I can’t see these visits in statistics – they are almost empty.

    Could you please help me and write how can I fix it?

    Thank you!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Are you speaking of the referrer stats section? We can only display a link there if we can detect where the visitor came from. If you don’t see any links there, it’s most likely because we couldn’t detect where the traffic came from. This is usually because the website where the link was clicked isn’t provided by that site, so there’s not anything we can do about that.

    Let me know if that’s not the stats section you’re talking about.

  • Hi there!
    My stats are broken too! The graph is telling me I have only one viewer for today, who has viewed the blog over 300 times, which seems very improbable especially as I just logged out and looked at the blog, so should have brought the stats up to two at least! :S

  • Hi there!
    I have the same problem! Only one viewer for today, who has viewed my blog over 230 times. It can’t be true. It’s very unsual.

  • I’ve also a problem with statistics.

    – Yesterday I’d 110 views and 60 visitors at about 9 pm GMT+1 and at the end of the day I reached 170 views but the visitors were still 60

    – Today (right now) I’ve 49 views from 5 different countries and just 1 visitor

  • @roswellivory, @huzzars, @celleradocse, @kadapadsc2015meritlist

    There is currently an issue with stats which is, I believe, unrelated to the original poster’s report. We are working on the problem. Please subscribe to this thread to be updated when it is fixed:

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