Which features are missing in private posts?

  • Bonjour
    A l’URL http://en.support.wordpress.com/sharing/ il est écrit “Note that some services are not available if your blog is marked as private.” Est-ce que cela veut dire que, même si le blog n’est pas privé, mais que seulement certains articles et médias sont privés, le bouton “J’aime” ne fonctionne pas sur ces articles ou médias ?
    En fait, si on utilise le bouton, l’avatar apparait, mais lors de la consultation suivante, il a disparu.
    Merci pour votre réponse.
    Blog url: http://jpmcvb.wordpress.com/

    Hello, at the URL http://en.support.wordpress.com/sharing/ it says “Note that some services are not available if your blog is marked as private.” Does that mean that even if the blog is not private, but only certain articles and media are private, the button “I” does not work on these articles or media? In fact, if you use the button, the avatar appears, but when the next visit, he disappeared. Thank you for your reply.

  • Any features that could lead to disclose the content of a private posts are disabled indeed.

    Private or password protected posts are not published in RSS feeds, are not sent by email to subscribers, can’t be shared to third party services and can’t be liked.

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