Booming Traffic Stats Bug

  • The booming stats notice has a time offset bug. Got a notice around 10:00 pm Pacific daylight time (Los Angeles) – but when I click on the link to open up and display the stats – I am sent to tomorrow, which has not happened yet – my best estimate is that the new tab that opens up – opens with the UTC offset of 0000 and London is 7 hours ahead of us

    the screen shots are Booming-Stats-01 & 01 in in the Media Library

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The new day for stats is Midnight GMT, and that is when some things are updated, so that could explain why you might get a notification “ahead of time”, so to speak.

    We’re aware that the “Stats are Booming” notification is a bit wonky too, and that is on our list to address in the next iteration of our notifications.

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