Boardwalk / Cubic themes, Featured Image PNG compression problem

  • I have a self-hosted installation of WordPress and set the Cubic theme (child of Boardwalk).

    I added this image using Upload New Media via Dashboard:

    The image is 1600×989 and 22,51 KB. As you can see the image has a little logo in the middle of the white background.

    So WordPress generates all needed sizes. This is the files list I see with cPanel File Manager:

    • lvda-logo-featured-image-1024x633.png 29.29 KB
    • lvda-logo-featured-image-150x150.png 6.10 KB
    • lvda-logo-featured-image-155x96.png 3.01 KB
    • lvda-logo-featured-image-320x198.png 3.35 KB
    • lvda-logo-featured-image-768x475.png 36.64 KB
    • lvda-logo-featured-image-980x980.png 304.26 KB
    • lvda-logo-featured-image.png 22.51 KB

    First of all, I have installed any image optimization plugin.

    It is very strange for me to see that from a 22.51 KB image WordPress generates these bigger KB-size images. I wonder how (and why) the 1024×633 size or the 768×475 one have KB-size bigger than the original (that is 1600×989). And for these sizes I can turn a blind eye. But what about the 980×980? This one is just cropping out white space (left and right) from the original image and it is 304.26 KB!!!

    It seems it isn’t worth using PNG images since WordPress PNG compression generates bigger KB-size images.

    Is there anyone who can explain to me what is the problem?

  • These forums are for sites hosted on, but you’re running the WordPress software on your own hosting. If you need further help with the self-hosted version of Cubic, feel free to post in its forum at

    You’ll need a free account to post – if you don’t already have one, you can register here:

    Be sure to provide a link to your site when you post so people can help you more easily.

    Also keep in mind that image resizing functionality is handled by WordPress Core and not the theme, so you might be better off posting in the general How-to/Troubleshooting forum:

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