Blue screen coming Soon on the site

  • I am getting a blue screen coming Soon on the site , how can i see my site content on Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, if you’re logged in with the site admin account, you should be able to preview your content. If you can’t, make sure that the content is published. Since you haven’t launched your site (Coming Soon!), only you’ll be able to see it.

    If that isn’t working for you, please post back here and let us know what operating system and browser you’re using.

  • Greetings, @fnavroz,

    As I can see, you just started exploring WordPress 2 days ago. All the new sites are set as “Coming soon” by default before you officially launch your site. So you don’t have to worry about your unfinished site being viewed before you’re ready to show it to the world.

    In order to access the content of your website, you need to

    1. Sign in to your WordPress account ( the one that was used to create website)
    2. Navigate to your site via the Dashboard.

    These few resources will help you learn more about WordPress and start your exciting journey with us.

    I would recommend you to browse our support documentation at:

    Additional courses can be found at: and webinars at

    Finally, once you are ready, follow those steps to launch your website

    Please let us know if you have more questions. We will be happy to assist you.

    Good luck!:)

  • Hi @fnavroz, I’ve just confirmed I can see the site from your account while logged in. Can you confirm what you see here?

    If you can’t see the site at that link, it could be a browser issue. Let us know what browser you’re using now, and whether you have the same issue while logged in with another browser (for example, try Chrome if you’re using Firefox.)

    Also, if you’d just like to be able to see the site whether you’re logged in or not, you can launch it. Let us know if you need help with that.

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