Blogroll Block-Feedback

  • Howdy!

    I added the new Blogroll block to my test site (ablogdemo) and getting to the sites I can add to it isn’t very obvious to me in its current implementation or explained well in the Support Guide #documentation.


    In the support guide it says, “At the moment, this block will only display sites to which you’re subscribed…” And yet, when first inserted, none of the sites appearing in the Blogroll block are ones I’ve subscribed to. They are totally random. The Support Guide doesn’t actually explain how I can insert my own subscribed sites.

    There is a “oh BTW” mention of adding a new “Blogroll Item” via the Block Inserter where suddenly sites I have subscribed to in the Reader can be added to the Blogroll from a drop down list that appears. This really needs to be made clearer in the Support Guide.


    The amount of vertical space that this Block swallows up in a sidebar/footer is enormous. Even if I disable all the current options in Block Settings: Show Avatar, Show description, Open Links in a new window and Hide my own sites, there remains a large SUBSCRIBE button which cannot be removed from this block and forces this block to stretch vertically. We should have the option to disable the button as well. I did change the block’s Line Height to try and compensate, but the button is disruptive.

    (Personally, I feel that if someone is interested to explore a site listed in a blogroll, they will visit the site by clicking the link which already exists in the Site Title and subscribe directly. I wouldn’t simply subscribe to a site without first checking it out.)

    Those are my initial #feedback on this newish block. I look forward to being able to add links to other sites that I don’t currently follow in the Reader. And in the meantime I know I can use the List block for a Blogroll as well.


  • Hi @justjennifer

    I just shared your feedback with the team in charge of developing this block. They’ll be iterating on the block in the near future, and I am confident that this feedback will be valuable as they work on improvements.

    Thank you for taking the time to share!

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