Blogger Importer Bug?

  • – Firfox (Current)
    – Win XP SP2 Home
    – Linux Hosted PHP 4, MySQL 3 Hosting
    – Blogger account hosted on (PHP 4, MySQL 3, Linux, as well)


    I think I broke Blogger when importing. I changed the template to one of the defaults, and went into the importing system of WP. I clicked blogger, entered in my info and it begun.

    It made it to 57% and then I got this error: “Couldn’t resolve host ‘’Your Blogger blog did not take the new template or did not respond.”

    From there I went to my blogger account to find this:
    “Are you looking for The Forgotten Logs? It is temporarily out of service. Please try again in a few minutes. Meanwhile, discover a better blogging tool.”

    Is it too late? Please help!

  • Update:

    Tried to import via RSS 2.0 feed (

    Got the error “File is empty. Please upload something more substantial.”

  • When you do an import from to WordPress and the update fails, there are a bunch of settings which are set worng and don’t get changed back.

    You need to reset them manually.

    Things like where the archives are, where the site is hosted, where the atom feed resides and so forth are all wrong and you need to put them back where they were and try again.

  • I never got my Blogger blog imported here. Probably the problem is on Blogger’s end since they have so many problems..

  • Um, we don’t have a RSS importer here.

    Are you hosted here at or do you have your blog elsewhere? If it’s elsewhere, then you need to be over at as the version you download is different from what we run here.

  • oh I installed my WP at

    an RSS Feed is one of the import options. And someone tell me what the reset manually and where to set it?

    [ EDIT ] Here is the files that I fixed by selecting one of the default templates and reuploaded.

    Files published… 100%

  • I hate to be a pain but you really need to be over at as the version you download is different from what we run here.

    Especially since we don’t have the RSS import option. :)

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