
  • If I switch from wordpress to blogger, will I lose all my followers or is there a way to get them over?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    There isn’t a way to automatically move your followers from over to Blogger. If you choose to move to Blogger, I’d recommend creating a post here at to notify your followers of the new blog and let them know how to subscribe to it there.

    I see you’ve also asked about the same issue, but moving to

    will i lose my followers if i change to

    If you move to and install the Jetpack plugin there, you can move your followers over to that blog without losing them. The only different is that followers will need to resubscribe to the new blog to continue receiving email updates. (Otherwise, they’ll only see your new posts in the Reader.)

    We have a guide for Moving your followers to Jetpack if you decide to do that. Please let me know if you have any questions!

  • Awesome thanks. Will it still show how many followers I have in like it does in .com?

  • Yes, you can still show how many followers you have there, for example in the subscription widget on your site. The only difference is that the follower count includes your Publicize followers (for example, your Twitter followers when you have a Twitter connection) as well as your blog’s followers. On it will only show the followers who have directly subscribed to your blog, not including social media followers connected via Publicize.

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