Blogarama-Kings of Plagiarism

  • Blogarama has been around for about 10 years as a blog directory.
    A fairly benign site they might help drive more traffic to your blog.
    With falling visitor numbers the site was sold about 1 year ago and then the problems began.
    Blogarama’s took my WordPress blog feed without my permission.
    They then displayed virtually all of my food blog on their site. Each post was complete so as to negate any need for a reader to go a visit my blog. They then offer to shorten the post (to a picture and a couple of sentences) and thus direct traffic back to my blog for $9 a month.
    In other words, hold the content of my food blog “hostage” and charge me $9 a month to direct traffic back to my site. All the time selling advertisements based on the quality content, such as mine.

    To say I was outraged would and understatement and I have now successfully got them to remove my feed from their site and most of my photos from their servers. In the process, I also heard from other bloggers suffering the same experience. I wrote a blog post about which you are welcome to read here.
    They hide who owns Blogarama and hides which company hosts their site, which to me says a lot about their intentions. I am continuing to investigate this and advise other WordPress bloggers from using Blogarama. If you have a blog I suggest you google them to find if they have added your RSS feed without your knowledge.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Thank you for posting this. They seem to have copied my blog Things Beyond Z as well. It’s disturbing.

  • Hi there,

    While it’s great that you were able to get your content removed from that site, this forum is only for support and your post is basically self-promotion, which is not allowed in this forum, so I’m closing this thread. Please don’t create threads like this in the support forums again.

    Note that we are not able to do anything against a site that is not hosted on our servers. Additionally, only a copyright holder can enforce a copyright claim, and in this case you’d do that by serving a DMCA takedown notice against the site’s hosting provider. You can find more information here:

    Copyright Infringement – What to Do

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