Blog Widget

  • I would like to display specific blogs in the Blogroll section of my footer. I’m not even sure where WP is extracting the current list from. How do I customize this list? Thanks,

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Howdy tammiecorcoran!
    Taking a closer look at your website
    The bottom footer BlogRoll Widget seems to be working fine. Are you looking for further help, or I can help you with anything else..!

  • Hello Pavanraheja,

    Thank you for responding so quickly. I actually put a text widget with links and manually entered the blogroll instead of using the blog widget so I could display the links. I’d prefer to use the blogroll widget, however, I’m not sure how to get the sites I want displayed.


  • Hi Tammie!
    Thank you for the reply. You can set up the Blog Roll widget as per the guidelines on the support document here Links /Blog Roll Widget
    Also, just make sure you set up the Blog Roll before hand, using these guidelines Setting Up Blogroll

    Let me know how it goes, would be happy to assist you further..!

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