Blog subscription widget and Titan Home Page

  • Realized, after 2 months, I don’t have a subscription widget on the home page. Introducing the Blog Sub widget wipes my current RH side vertical tool bar of Recent Posts, Categories, and Monthly Archives that’s OK. I understand I then need to drag ‘Recent Posts’, ‘Categories’, ‘Archives’, to the RH box on the Widgets page to re-enable them.

    Q.: Do all these 3 reintroduced widgets then return with exactly the same fonts, layouts, and internal structure as in my current Titan layout? Or,are they all stand alone entities, independent of the Titan theme and need tweaking to bring them ‘close’ to whats there now? Have left everything alone for the time being as i like it the way it is.
    Thanks Rob K

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • A few default sidebar items in a few themes are a bit different than the respective widgets you can add, but that’s not the case here. The advantage of the widgets you add yourself is that they’re configurable (you can set your own titles, set the number of recent posts to show, set the Categories and Archives widget to display a list or a dropdown etc.).

  • Thanks very much Panos, most kind of you to clear this up for me. Will now get it sorted.
    Cheers, Rob K

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