blog restrictions

  • Restrictions

    please lift the restrictions to post on my blog or please advice why I cannot access the settings functions and why my posts are subject to submit for review

    I am the official and only admin of this blog, and need your help as I have many new posts to put up.

    Regards Hamza
    Email Removed ~T3CK~

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • If your blog was hosted here at you should have received a message on your dashboard with a link to contact staff we as forum volunteers can’t and won’t help with this kind of matter for the sole purpose this is between you and staff so please re-frame from posting any future postings or threads pertaining to your blog suspension and use the contact link to get a hold of staff and if you don’t see such link on your dashboard you can contact them through this link

    Also Please reframe from posting email addresses in the public forum because spam bots will harvest the emails for their dirty work.
    So I went ahead and removed the email for you.

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