Blog reports 0.0 MB total storage space

  • My admin page is reporting that I’m over the storage quota with 8.4 MB (0.0 MB total). This seems like a bug. Is it a known issue?

    The exact message is:


    Looks like you have used 8.4 MB of your 0.0 B upload limit (inf%). Since you are close to your limit, you might want to consider purchasing a Premium plan.

    With the upgrade, you’ll also be able to upload mp3, m4a, wav, and ogg audio files (great for podcasting).

    (emphasis mine).

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello @halfawake
    I am tagging this thread for staff attention. Please be patient, someone from the staff will be here to assist you soon.

    Thanks! 🙂

  • Hi halfawake,

    That doesn’t seem right! I’ll speak to our developers about what could be causing this and come back to you when I have more information.

    Speak soon.

  • Hi again,

    We’ve fixed this and your media library now shows a total of 3GB of storage space :)

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