Blog post page – published posts vs drafts

  • Recently, there has been a change to the layout of my Blog posts page. In the past, the published posts took up most of the space, with the drafts off to the side. Now, almost all the page is occupied by the drafts and I can hardly see the published posts. I don’t think I changed anything. How can I return to the previous layout, which was much more convenient?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • To make sure I am looking at the right thing, is this the section you’re referring to?

    I checked there and on my test site and I don’t think I can see the same problem or I may be misunderstanding what the trouble is!

    Can you tell me a little about the screen or display you are using to view the site? Are you viewing it at a small browser width by chance?

  • Hi! Yes, the link goes to the section I am referring to.
    Unfortunately, I don’t know what you mean by small browser width. I am the ultimate end user.
    I can describe what I am seeing. The section takes up the full screen of my laptop. In a column at the left, taking up about a fifth of the screen, is the list of all the items I can click on…stats, plan, blog posts, pages, etc. This is as it always has been.
    When I have clicked on Blog posts, there is to the right of that column, a thin section showing published posts. I can only see the far right strip of what I used to be able to see…I can see the star icon for likes and the eye icon for views, but nothing to the left of that. The page scrolls down as usual.
    The entire rest of the screen is taken up with a wide column showing the draft blogs. This used to be a thin column to the right of the screen. Now it takes up three quarters of the width of the screen.
    I’m not sure what caused this change.

  • Thank you for the detailed description. I’ve double checked my own test account and your account as well, and I can’t see what you are describing about the rest of the screen being taken up with a wide column showing draft blogs. That sounds like something’s gone wrong indeed.

    Just to make sure, can you verify for me what OS and browser version you are using? I tested with Chrome 56.0.2924.87 on Mac OS X 10.12.3.

  • I was using 56.0.2924.87. I just upgraded to 57.0.2987.98. The problem remains.

  • Well, I suddenly wondered if signing out and signing back in might help. And it has! Although it isn’t quite back to normal, I can once again see the full image of my published blog posts, although the column with the drafts is twice the width of the column showing the published posts.
    Thanks for your help!

  • Ohhhh. That’s so good to hear! Thank you for writing back about what helped resolve the problem. It may also help others if they experience the same issue!

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