blog post notification settings

  • I want to publish a series of related posts together, but I don’t want my subscribers to get lots of annoying emails for each post. Can I temporarily switch off post notifications for my subscribers? Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey @psychologytrish, I want to say right now your subscribers will always get every new post. Same goes if they’re following your site through an RSS reader, too. We don’t have a way to deactivate that currently because of the nature of RSS. But we will note the request for emails at least!

    If they’re that closely tied together, would it make sense to include them all in a single post, possibly with different headings? You could use the Table of Contents block to keep it manageable:

    Or, would it make sense to publish them one at a time with a few days break in between so your followers can read them a bit at a time?

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