Blog Not Found Through WP Reader

  • Hello,

    I run the blog Invisibly Me –

    When I click my name after liking someone else’s post, it should show my profile page on WP with all my posts. It doesn’t, takes me to and it says “Sorry, we can’t find that site”. Clicking through who has liked something is a big way people find other blogs, so this is a bit strange and unhelpful. I’m just not sure what’s gone wrong, but I’ve only noticed it since migrating to a new blog host, where I’ve had a lot of problems, so I don’t know if that’s related or not.

    The only way people can find me is by typing the blog name into the WP search bar (, which I don’t think many people would do. It doesn’t show Invisibly Me in the main panel, but it does show it to the right hand side in the smaller panel. Clicking that does open my list of posts (

    The other strange thing is that the blog icon that shows up next to the blog name is also different when finding Invisibly Me on the search bar vs seeing it as a “like” on someone’s post. It’s like they’re two different accounts.

    I don’t suppose anyone has any ideas as to what’s happening or how to resolve it?

    Many thanks & kindest regards,

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, I’ve done a little clicking around and here’s what I’ve found.

    When I click my name after liking someone else’s post, it should show my profile page on WP with all my posts.

    On this reblogged post the link in your Like is to your gravatar profile, which is what I would expect. From there, visitors can click through to your website.

    Can you point to a post on you’ve Liked where you’re seeing the link as ?

  • Hi there,

    When you like a post in the Reader, your profile image links to the Reader feed for the site set as the primary site in your account, and you don’t currently have a primary site selected. If you set a primary site at, your profile picture will link to that site’s feed.

    In other words, the Reader has different behaviour than the Likes section on a post itself – on a post itself your profile picture links to your Gravatar profile, but in the Reader it links to your primary site.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

  • Thank you – all sorted now with the correct linking!

    I’ve noticed as well there’s no image on my WP Reader profile ( I can’t upload a screenshot here so I’ve put it onto my blog media to show you what I mean :

    I have a Flavicon set within my theme, the Soledad theme bought through Themeforest :

    I can’t see any other options for setting the image on the WP Reader but it has been several months and it’s still blank. I don’t suppose you know why that might be?

    Many thanks & kindest regards,


  • Hi Caz, I’m not familiar with how that theme works, but have you tried setting the site icon here?

  • Unfortunately this doesn’t make any difference. I’ve got the Flavicon set, which shows on the browser tab, but it doesn’t reflect on the WP Reader profile pic like I linked to previously.

    I got back in touch with the theme’s provider and they’ve only said to go to the flavicon page (it’s a little different of a layout to the article supernovia shared as it’s a private/paid-for theme. They said the fact the image isn’t showing on my profile blog posts page on the WP Reader despite a Flavicon being set shows it’s a WP issue, so they’ve just referred me back to WP.

    I have the primary site set, and can’t see anything else online about this issue so I’m a bit stumped. I don’t suppose anyone knows how to resolve it?

    Many thanks :)
    Kind regards,

  • Hi there,

    It can definitely be the case that your theme will set the favicon so that we’re not able to recognize it, precisely because we use the ‘site icon’ setting @supernovia pointed out above in her screenshot.

    The site icon is automatically turned into a Favicon in our system, but that is not its only use. The image is also used as an icon to represent your site in the Reader and other parts of our interface.

    Have you tried deactivating your theme temporarily to make the “site icon” setting reappear? This would allow you to select an image that our system would recognize, and then you can reactivate your theme as before. We don’t have a way to “grab” the Favicon you have set now, so I hope this will be a successful workaround.


  • Thanks, Jerry, I really appreciate your help with this! I’ll try deactivating the theme so I can set the ‘site icon’ – could you advise how I would go about doing this? I’m a bit concerned about losing the settings on my current theme if I try actvating Twenty Twenty-Two instead temporarily.

  • You can find the setting via Customizer -> Site Identity -> Site Icon.

    Regarding switching your theme, since your site is not hosted with us here at, we can’t provide any assurances if any content would be lost or not.

    As with testing most things on your website, make sure you have a recent backup of your site in case you need to restore anything if something should go wrong.

    I hope that clarifies things!

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