blog in two languages

  • How to create a blog in two languages transcribed manually? Can anyone help? The blog I need help with is

  • Hi,

    You need not do anything explicitly. The process of writing a blog post is same for all languages.

    To run a multilingual blog, you can choose either of below three options:

    1) Create one blog post having first half in one language and another half in different language. Your reader will know that they have to scroll down to read in their preferred language. You can also add page jump.

    2) Create one blog post in one language and publish it. Create a category for that language and use it for that post. Now again, create another blog post with the same content written in different language. Assign it to another category and name that category with the language you used. After this, use custom menu to effectively place the catagories and provide easy navigation to your audience. You may also give links in both blog posts directing to each other.

    3) Have 2 different blogs with different languages but same content. Use custom menu to link both the blogs.

    Consider looking at this link for more details on the same:

    Hope this helps!

  • Hi,

    You need not do anything explicitly. The process of writing a blog post is same for all languages.

    To run a multilingual blog, you can choose either of below three options:

    1) Create one blog post having first half in one language and another half in different language. Your reader will know that they have to scroll down to read in their preferred language. You can also add page jump.

    2) Create one blog post in one language and publish it. Create a category for that language and use it for that post. Now again, create another blog post with the same content written in different language. Assign it to another category and name that category with the language you used. After this, use custom menu to effectively place the catagories and provide easy navigation to your audience. You may also give links in both blog posts directing to each other.

    3) Have 2 different blogs with different languages but same content. Use custom menu to link both the blogs.

    Consider looking at this link for more details on the same:

    Hope this helps!

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