Blog Header Retention

  • I change my header to match each blog but don’t want my previous post headers changed when I do. Is it possible to retain the headers on the older posts while changing it for the current one?
    Blog url:

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The header images are in your Media Library. Unless you delete them from there they are always available for your use.

  • Yes, I know but I’m asking a different question. I choose an appropriate header for each post. When I put a new header on a new post, the older posts then take on the new header – which doesn’t look right with the older post. I’m asking if there is a way to leave the previous post headers in place when I put a new header on a newer post

  • It sounds like you are envisioning headers as being relatable to posts, whereas my brain processes it as the header is related to the whole website/blog with options as far as being able to rotate headers and other options, some available through CSS.

    The advent of featured images on some themes makes the issue more complex. I haven’t investigated this but I bet you have, but make sure you have read these support documents related to custom headers and featured images.

    Also see this guide to featured images and themes (includes some information about the different roles the featured image plays in different themes).

    In that document I am especially tantalized by this statement:

    Adventure Journal, Chaos Theory, Chateau, Coraline, Duster, Ocean Mist, Pilcrow, Splendio, Twenty Eleven, Twenty Ten, Vostok
    Replaces regular header image when viewing single post or static page. For dimensions see my post Header images (cropped if larger, no show if smaller).

    The author of that website comes by the forums and shares experience and help with some frequency.

    Sorry I don’t have any direct experience with your issue, but maybe these resources can get you closer to achieving you goals.

  • Yeah, …your goals.

  • Thanks very much for the thoughtful and thorough reply. You’re correct, I think of the header as related to the post. I find using a single header often conflicts with the post content. Will definitely look into the featured image possibility as a way to achieve my goal and the “tantalizing” statement does indeed look promising. Will do some additional work using your suggestions. Thanks again.

  • Just an FYI, I did research your articles, which were excellent, and gave it a try. What happens is the header remains in place and the featured image becomes like a smaller header underneath it before the content of the post. So doesn’t actually accomplish the goal but was a good attempt.
    Thanks for your efforts.

  • You are using Vostok. I have it up on my test blog and you can set a featured header image for individual posts and have different header for the posts than you have on the front page. I just did that.

  • Hmmm….I did try it but obviously I’m doing something wrong. I created a new post by copying an old one and added a featured image which was cropped to header size. When I previewed it the header was as it had been before and there was a smaller header-shaped box in between the header and the post content. I will have to play around with it a bit to try to make it work for me. Any thoughts on what I did wrong? Is it because I copied an older post maybe?

  • What happens is the header remains in place and the featured image becomes like a smaller header underneath it before the content of the post.

    That’s not what happened when I did this. I set a header for the blog and it displays on all pages. I set a featured image header for a post and did not embed that image in the post as a separate image in the post. I set it only as a featured image to overtake the header. What I see on the front page is the header I chose for the blog. When I click the post title and view the post on it’s own page I see the featured image I set in that post takes over the header image. that’s what you want and that’s what can be done.

  • Great, thanks for that. Will give it another try!

  • I created a new post by copying an old one and added a featured image which was cropped to header size.

    I did not copy an old post. I created a new one.

  • @houstonweaver
    Hi there and thank you … she bows ;)
    P.S. You provided all the information above that was needed — applause for you too. :)

  • I thank you, but making the leap from theory to real life adds the 3rd dimension to the answer!

  • So do I understand that the featured header will only appear in the individual post view or does it take over as the header of the all post “page”? It seems like it would bethe case that when you view the individual posts their individual featured header would show, but there would be a different header on the archives page and the current posts page?

  • I’ll remove the privacy setting and show you my test blog as a view is worth a thousand words.

  • You can set an different header image on every post if you wish. I did 2 to be sure of that.

  • I followed your link and looked at your posts. That’s exactly what I’m looking to accomplish so than you both very much. Now I need to go back and set a featured image for my old posts but that’s no biggie.

  • @trschell
    Hi again,
    I’m so glad we were able to resolve this. Happy blogging! :)

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