Blog has been deleted without pre-warning and no particular info about reason

  • Dear WordPress Support Team,

    I write to you since my partner is not longer able to contact you directely.

    My partner is quiet desperate that his blog site seems to have been suspended/deleted without any pre-warning. On requesting information via the website which was indicated, the reply was simply “your content does not align with our Terms of Service or User Guidelines”.

    A request to learn more what in particular was wrong remained unanswered, and so he has no clue what went wrong, since he is not aware that there has been a violation of the Terms of Service or User Guidelines.

    His Login Name is/was: Libertineros and
    his blogsite is/was

    Would it be possible to get an answer what subject in particular led to the deletion of his account and blogsite, and what has to be done in order to get his blog online again.

    Grateful for an answer

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there, sorry to hear about that. It was suspended because it violated the Terms of Service or User Guidelines. If your partner can log into the account, there should be a message regarding the cause of suspension and how to resolve it.

    No help can be provided by the forum for suspended blogs. Please tell your partner to visit and fill up the form.

  • Hi Rawalplawit,

    many thanks for the quick reply.

    Unfortunately my partner is refused to log to his account since that has been deleted. So he has no clue to what the cause of the deletion of his blog was.

    He already tried to get more information about the link you indicated, but the answer was simply “your content does not align with our Terms of Service or User Guidelines”, with no further information.

    That is really frustrating for him to be banned without knowing the particular reason.

    Best regards

  • Suspended sites are never discussed on this public forum. The only solution is to contact the TOS-TEAM at

  • Site suspensions cannot be discussed in the forums. Please visit the link below and use the form there to contact us regarding this situation:

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