Blog down at worst possible time

  • My portfolio site and blog are down, with a note saying it has been removed for a violation of the terms of service. However, there’s honestly nothing I’ve done to trigger that, the other blogs I manager on are all fine, and I am in the midst of a big project and an even bigger project pitch for which I am desperate for my blog to work — it’s the main way I communicate what I do. Any suggestions? Any chance I can get wordpress to fix this over the weekend? If I did something wrong I will make amends!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Use the contact link in the dashboard to contact the TOS department. Given it is the weekend, it might be Monday before they get back to you.

    Staff will not discuss TOS suspensions in the forums.

  • The site mentioned in your Post loads fine for me.

  • The support form is currently closed, but we are still processing Terms of Service requests as submitted.

    If your site is suspended, please use the Dashboard notice to contact us. Please do not post in the forums or send a request through the normal Support contact form – these things will only delay our response to you.

  • Thank you everyone! WordPress came to rescue sometime last night and unflagged my site. I had already submitted a TOS ticket as thesacredpath suggested. The automated reply, which said they were closed until Monday, caused me to freak out and turn to the forum, but as it turns out, WP was able to respond quickly. I very much appreciate it. Thanks WP, and thank you everyone who responded here as well.

    I do have a suggestion for WP that has come out of all of this. I am one of those users whose site is very important to them, but I do not necessarily even look at it daily. For instance, I’ve been very busy with a local journalistic project, so my byline has been appearing in print and online a lot over the last week. I had been assuming that people might be googling my name, finding my site, learning more about me, and perhaps even hiring me in the future as a result. However, despite that hope, I never actually visited my site myself this week until yesterday, when I saw it was done. I’m left not even knowing exactly how long the site was down for.

    As a result, I think WP should perhaps do these things: (1) try to contact the user when their site is flagged BEFORE it is taken down, or at least generate an email to them that allows them to address the situation ASAP; (2) create some sort of blog verification process where you make people jump through a few extra hoops but then they are given the benefit of the doubt when the spam controls want to shut it down.

    I am also left a little nervous that the automated spam controls will disapprove of me again as I do not know what on my site triggered the flagging.

    But regardless, thank you for the fast response and action on the weekend. Very much appreciated.

  • I’m not staff, but having looked at your site, I couldn’t see a single thing that could possibly have flagged it.

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