Blog Content Restrictions

  • I am an artist and poet, and I just recently began setting up my first blog through this site. After I began setting up the blog, I realized that since this blog is technically owned and controlled/powered by the people that own the original site (wordpress) that there possibly may be content restrictions that would make a few of my intended posts restricted or unpostable. I do not wish to violate any such terms of service if they exist. I then proceeded to look around the site for terms of service information regarding mature content restrictions, but still have not located any information on any possible content restrictions that might exist. I also did not find any information stating that there were no content restrictions. As such, I am therefore unsure at this time if any content restrictions exist at all.

    Therefore, I must ask before completing my initial blog posts, whether or not there is any kind of content rating system or content restrictions? For example, are curse words within reason acceptable or not? Are explicit description in literature such as stories and poetry allowed? What about in art? Is there a rating system for a blog in general or for individual posts, and if so where is it or how does one activate it?

    Thankyou for your patience, understanding, and answers. Please create a sticky or a terms of service section regarding this content restriction so that any such restrictions are clear from the start.

  • Have you read this support document? require blogs containing mature content to be marked as such and then they don’t appear in the Reader. If you have a specific example of what you are wanting to post you could return to this thread and add modlook to the tag box to the right. That will alert staff and perhaps you can get more accurate advice.

  • Thankyou that does help a bit. It is not the entire blog site that would be mature however, only an occassional post. I do not intend to post pornographic pictures or art, however, if I did in the future decide to post some short stories there may be some mature content in those, Although not specifically intended to be pornographic, such mature content in short stories would still be mature. I have not decided yet whether I will post those short stories.

    I suppose now the question is, that if I did post a single short story that contained such mature content, but the rest of my blog was not mature rated, would that then still automatically flag my entire blog site as mature? The reason I ask is because the link you gave states that mature rated blogs do not show up in public lists…which means no one would ever see my blog…which kinda defeats the purpose of having a blog. The whole reason I wanted a blog was to put my art, poetry, and writings in public view. therefore, is it possible to just flag a specific individual post rather than the entire blog?

  • also, like i said i wont post pornographic art, but i may want to post art that contains a nude figure. in that case i would like to flag that post of that piece of art as mature but not the whole blog. i meant to add that point in the above response.

  • Interestingly in “Settings” “Discussion” in the wp-admin dashboard, found by adding wp-admin to your address, (but not in the My Site/Calypso dashboard) there is the following:-

    Maximum Rating
    G — Suitable for all audiences
    PG — Possibly offensive, usually for audiences 13 and above
    R — Intended for adult audiences above 17
    X — Even more mature than above

    There you can tick one of the four boxes. I’ve ticked PG for my site (just to be on the safe side) but I’m unsure where that rating is displayed and if it refers to your site or just any comments that may be made on your site??

  • ok, thankyou. I did find that option. that was tricky to find! youre right though about it not being clear whether its regarding the rating of my entire website or just somehow the comments section.

    ok you mentioned above that i could add modlook in the right hand box if i had an example of the sort of thing i wanted to post. i dont see an option for inserting a photo file of a piece of artwork i want to open for public view on my blog, but it does contain a nude figure. it is not a photo or video image of a real nude person. it is a painting. if i open that for public view would i need to set my rating to mature?

    also, i do have example stashed away somehow of some writing i was eventually planning on finishing up and preparing to post on my blog which does contain nudity scenes and some sexualk activity here and there as part of the storyline which is NOT intended as any kind of pornographic content, but is intended purely as being part of the overall story. if i did someday finish that up and posted it to my blog would i then have to change my blog rating to mature as well? the reason iom asking is because there are tv shows all over prime time tv every single day with partial nudity and sex scenes that are filmed in a way that they are not pornographic in nature but the audience knows exactly whats goin on in the scene. those kinds of shows are all over tv every day with nothing more than an advisory viewer notice and its generally up to the parents at home to monitor content that comes across the tv screens in their homes…so im unsure of where that limit is between rated R for adult viewers in a casual way and what wordpress itself would want rated definitely mature.

    therefore, if a mod could please review this question and clarify where that line would be so that i can appropriately rate my new blog without accidentally giving myself a more mature rating than i needed to.


  • Hi there,

    I must ask before completing my initial blog posts, whether or not there is any kind of content rating system or content restrictions?

    Content considered to be mature is permitted on, however it must be marked as Mature on our system. There are some mature content restrictions listed in this support document:

    Mature Content

    You mentioned nudity and swearing — both of these class as mature content.

    is it possible to just flag a specific individual post rather than the entire blog?

    It’s not possible to only mark certain posts and pages as mature so your whole site would need to be marked as Mature.

    I’ve ticked PG for my site (just to be on the safe side) but I’m unsure where that rating is displayed and if it refers to your site or just any comments that may be made on your site??

    The rating options themagicrobot mentioned are for adding a rating to your profile photo (avatar) and don’t apply to your site’s content.

    Thanks for querying this with us. If you have any more questions, just let me know.

  • Alright, thankyou for your reply and information. As per your new information, I have reported my blog as intending to post future mature content.

    How will I know the mature rating has taken effect on my blog? Is there going to be an icon or rating notice somewhere on the main blog page or in my dashboard? I see that mature blogs are not going to show up in the reader. Will they still show up in searches? Or when people browse specific categories of content? Or when people manually browse through the newest posts? Or are all of those things always and only ever shown through the reader? I am trying to figure out if this means I will now have to personally manually put in all the work and effort myself of promoting my blog as opposed to just letting people happen across it.


  • Hi there,

    Thanks for reporting your blog — it has been marked as mature. You should receive an email confirming this in the next few days.

    Is there going to be an icon or rating notice somewhere on the main blog page or in my dashboard?

    There won’t be a rating or notice on your blog but as you know, it won’t appear in the Reader or searches on Visitors will not have a problem viewing your site if they visit the URL directly or find you though search engines.

    You might want to have a look at the Follow Blog widget. It would enable people to sign up to receive your posts via email:

    I will now have to personally manually put in all the work and effort myself of promoting my blog as opposed to just letting people happen across it.

    This guide to getting more views and traffic might give you some ideas for other ways to promote your site:

    Increase Your Site’s Traffic

    In the meantime, let me know if you have any questions.

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