Blog address to be reused by owner

  • Hi

    I created a WordPress blog and decided to delete it as thought was having issues with it. When I decided to start fresh and create a new website and use the same blog address it would not allow me to use it.
    I do know that Addresses for blogs that have been deleted by the owner will remain deleted and that you do not allow someone to take over the address of a blog that was owned and deleted by its original/previous owner. However I am the owner of that address so can I have it back please. I know you allow transfers if owner allows it but in this case i am the owner of address. The address was:

  • Addresses for blogs that have been deleted by the owner will remain deleted

    That’s correct. No exceptions.

  • yes but I am the owner so can’t I use it again?

  • I need admin to allow me to use it again as I am the owner. Admin can you please respond.

  • No exceptions. There are thousands of identical requests here in the forum; they are not going to give it back to you.

  • But this is the info I have found thru wordpress:
    If you find that an active blog address is registered by another user, you may be able to obtain it for your use if the owner of the blog agrees to transfer it to you. You may contact the blog owner – via a comment on their site or through a contact form, if available – to ask for their consent.

    So going by this surely they will allow me to reuse the address as I am the owner. They can see in their records I am the owner.

  • No exceptions. There are thousands of identical requests here in the forum; they are not going to give it back to you.

  • I wait until WordPress responds. This is the only name I can use. So if I cannot use this name then I will have no choice and ask WordPress to delete my account and will have to use another service such as Weebly. What a shame as trialing this for a business and was thinking if happy with it to then can consider to go on the full plan. Not off to a good start then

  • is no longer available.
    The authors have deleted this site.

    What you believe and the policy here at WordPress.COM are in conflict. Deleting a blog is never easily done. To accomplish deletion one must ignore 3 warnings that clearly state that deletion of the blog URL is a permanent and irreversible act. The address will not become available for registration. Blog deletion is a permanent and irreversible act just as the repeated warnings state when one attempts to delete a blog.

    Deleted blog URLs are not recycled, regardless of who registered and deleted them and no exceptions are made.

    You can register another blog

    Then if you wish to you can register a domain via a domain mapping upgrade because it does not matter what the underlying address is when you are domain mapping.

  • Thanks for the info. I read the links provided. Again it says that cannot pass on the address name to a user that was owned by someone else. But I am the owner. Trialing this service first so do not want to pay for a domain unless tried it first.

    It also says that: user signs up for an account we reserve the URL of their username. So if they signed up for the username of exampleuser we would reserve for them. There is nothing we can do to unreserve it and you will need to choose a different name.

    As you can see user name is the same as the address. However I will wait until WordPress responds to be absolutely sure then if not use another service

  • Deleted blog URLs are not recycled, regardless of who registered and deleted them and no exceptions are made.

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