blocked resources by on GWMT

  • Hi good morning.

    I would appreciate some information regarding on my GWMT I get over 300 resources blocke by it. Such as:

    When I check why they are blocked they say It’s blocked by robots.txt
    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /

    How did that happened and how do I fix it?

    It also says upload this HTML file to to verify it. How can I do that if I’m not admin? Sorry if this is a stupid question but I’m breaking my brain trying to figure out what is and how to fix my issue but I can’t find any documentation regarding this on the web.

    Thank yo in advanced for any help and information.
    Kind regards,

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I’m having the same problem. Hoping to see an answer soon.

  • Same happening with my site

    Google Webmaster Tools indicates almost 300 pages with blocked resources starting around 20/06 which can affect the pages’ ranking in Google search :/

    I get two of the ones Camiroja21 mentioned:

    Maybe one of the hapiness engineers can help us?

  • I’m having the same problem come up on a company website I work with.

    This seems to be a new thing – it only started for our site in late June, and there doesn’t seem to be any help or current documentation about this on the web.

    As someone said above: WordPress, please help us with these issues. The blocked resources than affect our rankings.

    Hope to hear an answer soon, and thank you.

  • I’m having the same issue as well. I don’t really think it is anything to really worry about. Nothing should get de-indexed from google. I think it’s just saying that is blocking google bot crawlers from crawling there site. Prob because it will slow down there servers way to much.

    My stuff is still indexed;
    type in google to check.. mine is like this.

  • Hi guys,

    I found what was causing my issues: For some reason, the Jetpack plugin’s site stats tracking feature was doing it.
    I kept Jetpack and just turned off the stat-tracking feature, and now none of my pages are blocked.
    Not sure if this is a fix-all – I’m still unsure why this was happening, and it worked well for me because I have Google Analytics and don’t use Jetpack tracking – but it at least seemed to solve the issue.

    Hope this helps a bit, and I’ll update if I find anything else out.

  • Hi guys,

    I found what was causing my issues: For some reason, the Jetpack plugin’s site stats tracking feature was doing it.
    I kept Jetpack and just turned off the stat-tracking feature, and now none of my pages are blocked.
    Not sure if this is a fix-all – I’m still unsure why this was happening, and it worked well for me because I have Google Analytics and don’t use Jetpack tracking – but it at least seemed to solve the issue.

    Hope this helps a bit, and I’ll update if I find anything else out.

  • Thank you all, for supporting this thread. mrbuttongame, I was testing the same thing and when I read your message I went again to my GWMT and yes after disabling my Jetpack stats those blocked resources starting to reduce. I was in over 300 and now I’m a little over 100. Not sure why this is happening either, but seems to be solving the issue. But still, If I wanted to use Jetpack’s stats then I can’t because it will block my whole site??? Really???

    No one from WordPress is going to help us in this matter???

  • We provide support only for blogs hosted by WordPress.COM. WordPress.COM and WordPress.ORG are completely separate and have different username accounts, logins, features, run different versions of some themes with the same names, and have separate support documentation and separate support forums. Read the differences here

    Jetpack is a plugin for WordPress.ORG software installs to provide parity with blogs hosted by wordpress.COM. Some JetPack solutions are here
    Others are in the JetPack support forum at
    However, if you can’t find help at either one then you can file a JetPack support ticket here >

    If you don’t have a username account at WordPress.ORG account, then click and register one on the top right hand corner of the page that opens, so you can post to the support forums there.
    Resetting your WordPress.ORG password support docs are at

    NOTE: If you are in fact referring to any blog hosted by WordPress.COM then type modlook into the sidebar tags on this thread for Staff help. How do I get a Moderator/Staff reply for my question? Then please subscribe to it so you are notified when they respond. To subscribe look in the sidebar of this thread, find the subscribe to topics link and click it.

  • Yes I’m self hosted but the problem comes from… if wodpress don’t help, who will? I’m no admin of to go and edit robots.txt.

    In this case it doesn’t matter if I’m self hosted or not, because what’s causing problems is something that is

    It would be nicer that you at least try to help and give possible solutions instead of just send people to a .con vs .org file. Give us at least why that can be happening and where to look for solutions.

    How hard can that be?
    Thank you anyway!

  • @camirojas21
    Thanks so much for the suggestion on how to answer WordPress.COM support questions accurately, and how to direct those with self hosted WordPress.ORG installs with Jetpack issues to the correct places to get support.

    Perhaps you are more experienced at providing support than I am. I’ve answered questions at WordPress.COM for over 9 years. I predate the support docs and all support staff except one member even being on support Staff but I’m still learning. Sadly, nothing you posted above is advancing my knowledge base.

    How hard can following these instructions be?

  • Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend. That was never my intention. What I meant is that me and maybe more people don’t even know the source and reason why of this issue. We might figure it’s about Jetpack but it’s easier when we understand the backend of an issue. I googled this issue so many times in different wordings and couldn’t find anything. Not understanding is frustrating because we don’t know where to start looking.

    That’s how I started this thread, asking for information or some ideas why I have this issue and how to fix it. I understand you give only support for users, but if my issue somehow involves you, why is that so hard to explain a little about the main issue {if you know} and then redirect people to all those links you provided above.

    I apologize again, I wasn’t underestimating your knowledge, I was just frustrated because I don’t understand the issue and I wasn’t even sure the problem was jetpack.

    Thank you anyway and again and again sorry!

  • As @mrbuttongame mentioned, these errors appear because you use the Stats module on your site.

    You can rest assured, though: such errors will have no negative side-effects, and won’t impact your site or its ranking.

    Google’s Blocked Resources Report allows you to spot pages on your site that cannot be indexed by Google. It’s a good way for site owners to make sure there are no pages that Google can’t crawl because of an error, or an unintentional blog.

    In this particular case, the resource mentioned in the report is not a page of your site: it’s the tracking code used by Jetpack to record visits on your site.

    We’ve recently added a robots.txt file to the domain hosting the tracking code, to ask all bots to not index anything on We do so to prevent well-behaving bots and search engines from ever hitting the stats pixel and thus triggering a view in your stats.
    Until recently, we maintained a list of these bots and search engines crawlers, and excluded them from the stats, but by adding the robots.txt file it allows us to be more precise, and to improve the accuracy of your stats.

    To conclude, you can continue to use Jetpack Stats safely, and ignore these errors. As they’re not related to pages hosted on your site, it won’t have an effect on your site’s ranking in Google and other search engines.

    The only effect it will have is a positive one: from now on, Jetpack Stats will block more bots, and consequently give you more accurate stats by excluding more false visitors from your daily views.

    I hope this clarifies things a bit. Do not hesitate to let us know if you have more questions!

  • Thank you so much @Jeherve… that makes a lot sense. It was scary though. Having over night over 300 errors from blocked resources. and then over 600 within days can freak out anyone. It’s good that all that is to prevent bad bot from accessing data and also not having them count in stats.

    I also find out that having plugins disallow in robots.txt can create lots of blocked resources. I used to have it that way because I was told that sometimes hacker uses that directory to find out the versions we are using of plugging and use vulnerabilities to create a breach. I removed it and the errors went down faster than when I deactivated the module.

    What was scarier is that when I clicked on the errors to see where they were, it listed blog posts. So THAT freaked me out. I thought or understood that all those posts were blocked, like bots were not accessing those blog posts and of course loosing that traffic. Now I understand that just the stats on those posts were being blocked from crawling. Correct me if I’m wrong, please!

    Makes much more sense. Thank you so much for taking the time to explain better how this works!

    Kind Regards

  • @camirojas21
    I’m having the same problem with you.
    When I check why they are blocked they say It’s blocked by robots.txt User-agent: * Disallow: /
    please help me.
    or I should remove it???
    Thanks for reading

  • @bluesky190 As I mentioned earlier, you can rest assured: this doesn’t affect your site in anyway.

    We’ve actually made some improvements to our Stats’ tracking code in the past few days, so the errors will slowly start disappearing from Google Webmaster Tools as it visits your site again.

    You shouldn’t see any new errors come up now!

  • thanks for reply @Jeherve.
    But my website suddenly noindex My recenct post
    This is &
    I submit, Fetch as Google but no result
    i don’t know reason why
    i think reason is http: //
    Please help me

  • Both links can still be indexed by Google, as you can see by entering the URLs here: can also be indexed by Google, as you can see by loading this page:

    This string ensures that Google’s bot can browse the page:

    User-agent: Googlebot
    Allow: /

    It’s worth noting that even if Google weren’t able to index, it wouldn’t stop the both from indexing the pages where that link is present, like your website.

  • thanks for support @Jeherve.
    beacause i can’t find it on serps. i very worry
    now i know Jetpack is wonderful for my website.
    thanks so much! nice day ^^

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