Blocked from following

  • I wanted to get more active in the community and started following several sites that I considered relevant to my interests by searching different key words. Unfortunately I’m now getting an error message and it will not allow me to follow any more sites. I read in other threads that this is an automatic block from potential scammers. Is there a limit of follows per day I should be aware of? Will this block be lifted, if so, when? Thanks.

  • Hi there,

    To be blocked you would need to follow hundreds of sites in a short period of time, but in your case I see only a few sites followed. I can confirm you are not blocked from following sites on this end.

    Can you tell us more about the error message you are seeing? What is the exact text of the message, and what is the URL of the page that you see the message on so we can take a closer look?

    Thanks for the additional info!

  • It allowed me to follow some blogs today but now I just got the same response: “Sorry, there was a problem following Please try again.”

    I didn’t think I followed that many…

  • Thanks, I think there might be some issue with that particular feed. Are you able to follow any others right now?

  • Also: rather than spending time following hundreds of individual sites that are relevant to your interest, have you considered just following those keywords?

    That way you can still follow a consumable number of blogs (the ones you actually want to keep up on) while still being able to scan for the latest/best info from your interests. If you are following so many sites you couldn’t possibly have time to read them, that could be seen as spammy, but following tags isn’t an issue.

    Just as an example, if you go to you’ll notice a “follow” near the top. You can change that address to any tag you like and follow accordingly.

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