Block editor

  • I’m just dropping you a line to say that I will not be posting to, or developing further, my blog due to the implementation of the block editor, which I detest! I’m aware that there is a ‘classic’ plugin but don’t see why I need to add another step to my workflow to add this block to a post before I start writing.

    I’m aware there is nothing you can do about this as the decision has been made to move over to, what you see as a better editor, but I wanted to add my voice to what could be a few others who are also unhappy.

    I’m not sure, at the moment, if I will be closing the blog altogether but, I don’t see me posting anything in future. Shame as I was considering moving everything to WP when my current site comes up for renewal in early 2021.

    Thanks for your past support.



  • Sorry to hear it, Phil. If you can pinpoint what specific issues are bothering you in this editor, we’ll pass those notes along.

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