Block Editing Of My Blogroll

  • I’ve got dozens of links in my Blogroll. I’d like to categorize multiple links at once, but from what I can see I can only do it individually through the Dashboard. How do I change the Categories for multiple links at one time (eg: “Uncategorized” to “Heavy Metal”, for example)?

  • Believe me when I say that I too long for this ability but as far as I know it does not exist. I currently have over 100 categories and wish to reduce them to 25. It would be great not to have to re-assign them one at a time. I’d like to be able to re-assign them based on “merging” existing categories and subcategories and/or re-naming some. *sigh*

  • I would suggest this feature via feedback from your dashboard and include a link to thise thread so that staff sees that we discussed it. it’s not currently possible but maybe someday. :)

  • feedback with link back to this thread sent :)

  • It’s not something that’s ever been in the core code.
    In fact I remember only 1 plugin that attempted this (I used it when at 800 posts I finally figured out that categories might be useful). I’ll pass it on but in the list of things people want it will rank really low…

  • Thanks for responding Mark – I kind of thought it would be a very low priority.

  • I think I remember that plugin. It had issues.

    Categories are useful? Now there’s a novel thought…

  • no way it’s plenty useful and i’m sure there’s a demand. i’m currently in the midst of changing all my categories and i have oh, just about 70 more to go. i’ll have to wait till i get free net access before i can actually finish everything.

  • @sulz
    I’m referring to about 700 posts which are currently assigned to 101 categories that I will be manually editing to re-assign to 25 categories. I can’t say I’m eager to begin but with 70 more to go well then you know exactly what I mean.

  • I sent feedback as well, I’d really like this festure to be added…

  • bulk editting would be excellent.

    in the meantime, if most of your uncategorized links are heavy metal, you can go to Manage > Categories,
    and rename uncategorized to heavy metal.
    you’d still have to change the non-metal links to something else by hand, tho.

  • I’m really glad more folks are coming on board when it comes to seeing how useful this feature would be. YAY! We are at seven and counting now.
    I intend to rename my “uncategorized” category as kamel suggests above suggests (in my case to “environment”) and then have a go at the 700. But maybe if everyone jumps on board we may get this feature as a X-mas present … yup, procrastinating may lead to a better scenario [she said with fingers crossed].

  • I’m bumping this request and including an update.

    Due to the current inability to deal with category reduction in a bulk way the only method open to me was to delete all categories (over 100) and break every link in my 9 month old blog. I then entered my new categories and am currently working away at assigning them to every post (originally 600-700) in reverse order of their creation. I have worked my butt off on this project and still have not completed it.

    As fate would have it, just after I deleted all my categories and broke my links and began the re-categorization process Google did their January 11th quarterly update and my blog took a beating slipping from a page rank of 5 to 4. {BTW this blog is currently ranked by Technorati 16,103 (633 links from 205 blogs) as of February 7th, 2007 and the blog stats since the introduction of the stats program are 57,483}.

    I would like to see this matter come to the attention of other bloggers and staff. If there is no bulk method of reducing and or re-assigning posts to categories and re-assigning links as well then those of us who post 6-8 times every day are going to have mile long front pages that take forever and a day to load. This cannot be a good thing for either bloggers or for readers.

    Hence I propose that staff consider setting this matter in a high place on their priority list … please. {begging}

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