Block & Classical Editors

  • Hi WordPress,

    I finally tried using the block editor recently, and I have a few suggestions. It seems like a fantastic idea and I love the way it makes columns and other formatting so much easier to work with, but it has a few shortcomings that I find a bit…strange? For example, it won’t allow me to indent text as the classical editor will, and it won’t allow me to color bulleted text? Seems an odd restriction. I’m forced to revert to the classical editor to do those things, which restricts some of the options newly available with the block editor.

    Here’s another one—the “details” shortcode. I use that a lot, most of my site is dependent on it. For ages now I’ve wanted to color the heading backgrounds to make it more obvious they’re clickable buttons, and when I was first exploring the block editor and saw the background color option, I was excited. But then I found that in order for my details shortcode to function, I need to use the classical editor, which won’t allow me to color the backgrounds? Again, seems odd.

    There may be other odd restrictions that I simply haven’t encountered yet. And of course, this is all my personal opinion…still, strikes me as a bit strange.

    My suggestion is to make the block editor more versatile. Please please please don’t do away with the classical editor until the block editor can support all shortcode/html, but I think it would be more convenient for everyone if the block editor simply allowed all shortcodes, and granted those shortcodes all the cool new formatting options it opens up for other, simpler text.

    Then again, maybe this is harder than it sounds—I’d be the first to admit I’m no expert on these things, maybe it’s in the works already and it’s just difficult to make it a reality. I’m just trying to help. Thanks WordPress for all you do—there’s a reason I’m still here after 5 and a half years, and all my blogs are WordPress!


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • For shortcodes, you can use the Shortcode Block in the new block editor:

    As for buttons, have you tried the Button Block?

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