blix theme – site meter support

  • I like the theme lots and I LOVE being able to customize the header. [Horray!!] But when I tried it before I couldn’t get my sitemeter to become visible and to work.

    This could have been a problem created by theme switching or it could be that the them doesn’t support sitemeters.

    So this is a question I’m posing to drmike and to those with the blix theme. Do any of you have visible site meters that are working properly?

  • I’m finding spammers. I’ll be back in a few minutes and give it a try. I’ve been suggesting just putting sitemeter in its own text widget lately though. You might want to try that.


  • I see your site meter logo fine on your site. Mine as well when I switch over to Blix.

  • thanks – I’ll switch then

  • It did not work. The word sitemeter is in my links. If I click on it it goes to sitemeter home but indicates no one has visited the site in the last 20 minutes. When I click on “who’s on” at sitemeter home it doesn’t recognize I’m there. Now here’s the kicker I also placed the sitemeter image code in the text widget just above “bloglines” and it’s not appearing on my blog. arggghhh! This is exactly what happened to me before.What to do?

    EDIT: I’m switching back. Mark this thread resolved.

  • I see the sitemeter link in your links listing. Maybe Blix doesn’t support images attached to links. If that’s the case, you might have to move it over to a text widget to force it.

  • I think I did that but it didn’t work so I gave up.

    Now here’s the kicker I also placed the sitemeter image code in the text widget just above “bloglines” and it’s not appearing on my blog.

    Perhaps I’m not understanding what you mean. Are we talking about the same thing?

    If I’m being dense I apologize. I really do prefer it but I don’t want to tear your hair out if there’s something I’m missing here.

  • The text widget above the one with the bloglines one, looks like Text Widget #4, appears to be entirely empty. I don’t see a link or anything.

  • It was there. I put it there after I moved to the blix theme. It is there now (I put it in again) then I’ll change themes to blix after doing the regulus rest your settings thing and we shall see …

  • Okay so we’re halfway there. I have the code visible on my blog this time. Interesting isn’t it because the only thing I did differently was to put the image code into the text widegt and save it prior to changing themes, instead of after I changed themes. Got any ideas about making it visible?

    I don’t want to lose any readers today because Technorati has my blog liked to the “conversations” buttons on their site at Link just ignore the myspace part they know about the correction.

    [link fixed -drmike]

  • I gave up on blix it doesn’t seem to support the sitemeter. I’m now trying “connections”. The theme switch went smoothly. The site meter was immdediately visible and is working fine. Thanks for your time and trouble drmike.

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