Blaze ad

  • hi did a ad campaign with blaze called The foundation of a survival mindset. This ran from the 12/10/2023 – 18/10/2023 but had received they had attempted to take a payment last friday. I thought when ads were completed you paid at the end of week, so I was why more recent payments have gone through. But I having to redo a ad from months ago. Can you check also there was money in my account.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi just wondering what is happening as I have had no reply. Was trying to put a new ad through but it has be rejected by a ad that from October last year. This does make sense.

  • Now I have another email stating it was rejected Campaign title: Martial arts a beginners guide
    Budget: $5 / day 
    Duration: from January 24th 2024 to January 30th 2024 (7 days). Can you please retry the payments as their money in my account. There was a bank outage on the day the money attempted to be withdrawn. Can we please have issue rectified and please respond so I can promote more material.

    This would be greatly appreciated

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