Blank website entry links to 3 year old post of mine

  • Commenters who leave website blank – their name shows as an underlines link after posting comment and clicking on that link takes you to a post of mine from May, 2011…

    Doesn’t matter which post they’re commenting on – always the same result with their name.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    I’m not sure I’m seeing that. I checked out the comments on your most recent post:

    Feds bust 50 for Medicare fraud in South Florida – part of 90 nationwide

    I don’t see any links to your old post.

    Can you tell me exactly where the link is that you’re seeing? Can you send me a screenshot of the link? You can just upload it to your media library and I’ll be able to access it there!

  • That’s part of the point. There is no visible link. But, if the person posting the comment doesn’t insert a link to his own website, no url, no website – their name still appears underlined as if it was linking to a site of theirs.

    If you click on their name – it goes [right now, anyway] to one of my ancient posts:

    I’ll put a screenshot into the media library – invisible link.png – which is at the post “Blocking the Sun”,

    Here’s the latest hilarity. Everything work as described if you click the invisible link/name of commenter at the blog post. After I took the screen shot and added it to the library, I clicked on “view” to see it came up OK – and it did. Just for giggles I clicked on the invisible link/name of commenter in the screen shot – and it went to a photo used in a post in May 2009.


  • Look at any recent comments. Every name is underlined designating a link. If they commented has inserted a url in the 3rd block as a website, the link will take you to the appropriate url.

    If they din’t fill out that block and left it blank, they go to my ancient post.

  • I’m sorry, I should have been more clear. I’ve clicked on the seemingly unlinked names and they haven’t taken me anywhere. Here’s what I see in the comments on the post you linked me to:

    But I set up a test site with your theme, and it seems to be something strange happening when you’re the author of the site. I’ve put in a ticket with our theme developers to take a look!

  • Hi,

    we’ve deployed a fix that solves that issue with these weird links showing up.


  • Thanks a bunch, folks. My poor old brain has enough trouble with reality.

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