Blacklist Comments Notification

  • If someone comments on one of my blog postings and they use a word on my blacklist, is there a way to immediately notify the that person that their comment used a blacklisted word or that their comment is being moderated. It seemed like there was a notification screen in the past but that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore.

  • Hi @hiketron,

    As far as I can recall, a blacklisted people don’t know they’ve been blacklisted, so they can keep reading and commenting the blog, and their comments go to the spam folder.

    I had a look at the support documentation about comments blacklist and email notification, but didn’t find anything useful to activate related to your question.

    I’m tagging the thread for Staff attention as I don’t want to give you a false reply. Just wait for the Staff to double check what I’ve just said.

    Thanks for you patience meanwhile :)

  • I’m afraid not. The point of the blacklist is so that you do not ever have to look at posts that you do not care for.

  • Thanks for clarifying @staff-ozmodiar! It’s a useful info also for me :)
    I think @hiketron wanted to know if something pops up also to the person leaving a backlisted comment but I’m guessing the answer is the same.

  • Hi @staff-ozmodiar,

    is correct. I wouldn’t want someone making a comment that unknowingly to them includes a blacklisted word and not realizing why their comment isn’t showing up. If there is indication given to the person making the comment that there comment is not showing up due to use of a blacklisted word, they’ll know exactly why it’s not showing and not get frustrated or think the commenting function is broken.

  • Ah, understood.

    The issue is that, having something like that would also defeat the ability of people to use blacklists to avoid topics or conversations or users they didn’t want to hear from. If someone could avoid the blacklist for “Cheerios” by writing “Cheerio$”, then the blacklist wouldn’t be particularly useful, I’m afraid.

    If you are particularly concerned about missing legitimate posts, I would suggest not using the blacklist at all (or very sparingly) and instead set your site to require manual approval of all comments.

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