Black box over post

  • Did I do something wrong or is it some kind of reported issue. The past few days have taken me more time to try to post than to write the post. I am frustrated. I almost cannot begin to describe everything that has me grumbling about how WordPress looks like it should be easy to use, but it became for me much more difficult than when I started. My most horrible problem is when I am trying to insert blocks suddenly a black box appears over it and I have to bounce between the preview and the edit and work blind until I finish it! What is causing this to suddenly appear? How can I make it go away? I have been doing this for several years and these past few days make me feel like I am just starting out.

  • Hi there,

    Can you please confirm what browser you’re using, including the version number?

    That box appearing is a bug with Safari that’s happening for some people. Our developers are investigating, but so far we’re not able to replicate the bug.

    If it completely obscures the editor content so you can’t see what you’re working on at all, the only option for now is to use a different browser.

  • I was using my older Mac which has Catalina Version 10.15.7. I didn’t experience this black box problem until a few blog posts ago. I have been using this computer and Safari for years.

    Thank you for contacting me about this issue and especially letting me know that other people have experienced this too.

  • Thank you — can you check the Safari version too, and send that? We’ll add that to the report.

  • Hi there! Safari version is 13.1.3. 😎

  • Thank you! To set the right expectations, we can’t guarantee full support for older browsers, but since this is a recent development I’m hoping they can spot and fix the issue. We’ll update you when we have more info.

  • Hi there,

    This issue has now been fixed.

    Thank you for your patience and please let us know if you need any further help!

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