
  • Hi,
    I received a notification that one of my subscriptions has been cancelled. The cancellation # is 31081906. Can you please let me know what this is for? I don’t want to lose any subscriptions that I still need. It appears the last charge for this was August 4, 2017, for JetPack services, but I do not know exactly what that is. Can you help?

    Thank you,
    Danyelle Freeman

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Danyelle,

    Thanks for reaching out about your Jetpack subscription, our records show that your Jetpack Professional plan was purchased on August 4th, 2017. The plan was not renewed this year and has expired and been removed from your account.

    To renew the subscription visit and repurchase the plan. If you’d like to check that the upgrade renews automatically next year visit the purchase page at:

    Let us know if you have any additional questions or we can help you with anything else.

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