
  • Bei manchen Einträgen werden die Bilder nicht mehr angezeigt. Wenn ich darauf klicke, heißt es, dass die Datei nicht gefunden wurde.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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    In some entries, the images are no longer displayed . When I click on it it says that the file was not found.

    Note that it would be helpful for you to provide a link to a post (or posts) where the images are not displayed.

  • It appears that those images are all 0px by 0px.
    I’m not sure how that happened!!
    Can you see the pictures in your media library?
    Did you delete their files from the library?
    They all seem to have captions, which in my experience can cause problems, though not make images completely vanish!!!
    Do you still have copies of those pictures on your computer or cloud storage so you can upload them again?

  • I still have the pictures on my laptop. I deleted them from the library, because they said that there is not enough space. But some pictures, which I deleted, are still on my blog. But I don’t know what the problem could be.

  • Oh, no!!

    The media library is very much like a library where you go to in your town to borrow books. If someone fails to return a book, then no one else can borrow it. The book is no longer in the library so no one can check it out.

    The media library on is the same way. If you delete pictures from your media library, then you are like a patron who fails to return a book to the library. It’s no longer available. No one can see that book. If you delete an image file from your media library, then it is not available to be used until it is restored.

    Some images may still be visible on your blog after you deleted them from your library because they may be “cached” on your browser. In a short time, if the files were deleted from the library, they also will disappear. Not good!

  • The media library on is efficient. It means that all image files you upload to the library are available to use on other posts. The pictures are not stored on any post or page: they are only available from your media library.

    What you need to do is to optimize your images before you upload them to your media library. That means you need software to compress those files for viewing online. Full-sized images from a camera (or even from a phone) are huge: way too large for the resolution on your screens!

    Optimize Your Images

    PhotoShop is great, but expensive. There are other ways to optimize your image files:

    Optimize Your Images

  • Are you telling me that you have used all of your free storage in only 4 months?

    My blog is 7 years old and I’ve used only 8% of the 3GB of free storage. I think I accidentally uploaded a bunch of files that are not on my blog and should find and delete them. But I’ve sort of taken a break from blogging for a variety of reasons.

    At any rate, you might consider just linking to a new blog to store your future images—though this may not be in accordance with the Terms of Service. I’m only a volunteer.

    In my opinion, I’d start replacing image files with optimized files a little at a time as you can. You’ll have to replace the pictures in your posts as well. A big project, but worth the effort if you want to keep using your site without buying a space upgrade.

  • Thank you for your help! I think I am gonna try that.

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