Big Brother Theme doesn't revert back to default color scheme

  • I’ve been playing around with the Big Brother Theme on a blog I am building. I already use it on another WP blog and it has been working fine.

    After trying a few palettes, custom colours, etc, I decided I just wanted to go back to the default colours. So I just clicked ‘default’ in the ‘Colors & Background’ section under ‘Customise’, and at least in the live preview, the theme went back to default. I clicked save and publish, but absolutely nothing changes when you visit the site. The colour scheme matches whichever palette (or colour) was selected before you clicked ‘default’. I’ve tried all I could—palettes, custom background images, custom colours, ANYTHING. I even removed all other customisations to see if they were somehow interfering. Fail. There’s no way to convince the theme to go back to the default. I’ve even activated another theme and then went back to Big Brother. Nothing. It seems to be maniacally fond of anything but the default colour scheme. (It actually remembers the last palette I used before switching to the other theme, and triumphantly starts off with that.)

    What’s worse, at times the ‘default’ button does absolutely nothing even in the preview. You need to first go to ‘Manual’, then select any palette, and finally click ‘default’ again, at which point the preview will indeed show the default colour scheme, but it won’t be saved when you click ‘Save and publish’ anyway.

    Is there any way to fully reset the theme, or at least convince it to let me use the colour scheme I want?

    On top of that, it seems you can’t select a palette (including the default one) and then choose a custom colour without modifying other colours in the palette. (What is the point of the customiser saying ‘These are colors that work well with the other colors in your palette’, if picking a colour will inevitably mess up your palette entirely anyway…)

    Thanks in advance for any help! :)

  • And of course I forgot to mention the blog address itself. It’s

    it is currently set as private because I’m building it and I’d rather users not see it for now. I don’t know if the tech staff can look into the issue if the blog is private. If not, let me know and I’ll make it public. Thanks!

  • Hi,

    On a test site with the Big Brother theme applied I also was unable to revert to the the default palette after using one of the other six options. Though I had no trouble getting the default palette to display in the previewer at Customize > Colors & Backgrounds, it would not display on the site. For this reason, I’m going to call for staff attention to the topic. Please wait for a staff member to respond.

    What’s worse, at times the ‘default’ button does absolutely nothing even in the preview. You need to first go to ‘Manual’, then select any palette, and finally click ‘default’ again…

    Contrary to what you describe here, I find that clicking on the “Manual” button, at Customize > Colors & Backgrounds > Background, hides the six optional palette options and displays other background color options which can be used to modify each of the six palette options. The manual options only affect part of each palette.

    If, after clicking on the “Manual” button, you click on “Default” without first selecting one of the manual options, then (as you saw) it will have no effect. It will have an effect after you’ve selected one of the manual options. To get back to the default palette in the previewer, you would click on “Palettes” button to switch back to the palette options, and then click the “Default” button.

  • Thanks musicdoc1, I’ll wait for staff to say something. It seems another user had an identical problem a few days back, so I am guessing there might be something funny going on on WP side.

    Yes, you’re correct, I wrote ‘Manual’ when I should have written ‘Palettes’. In any case the problem I was mentioning in that paragraph doesn’t seem to manifest any more, I was most probably just wrong about that. :)

    I’ll be waiting for staff to solve the main issue… :)

  • Hi folks, I vaguely recall an issue similar to this. I’ll do some digging probably on Monday.

    In the meantime, though, I can do a one-off fix on this end, and have done so. @musicdoc1, let me know if you want your test site fixed, too.

  • @supernovia,

    Thanks, but no thank you, since that’s one of the test sites that I frequently switch themes on. : -)

  • @musicdoc1 I’ve got a few of those myself :) Enjoy your weekend!

  • @supernovia,

    thanks! Whatever you did solved my problem. Enjoy the rest of the weekend :)

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