Better Facebook & Twitter Stats

  • Yes I know neither one passes info on where their site has your link.

    How about putting the DESTINATION URL on my site in the stats so I can see which of my Pages or Posts someone felt like sharing?

    I don’t get a lot of referrals from either site – but from time to time I get a bunch – would be really nice


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Thanks for the suggestion, auxclass. I just want to make sure I understand the sort of information you’re looking for.

    For example, if you see one referral from Twitter you’d like to be able to match that up with the post/page that was viewed from that referral. (Or, the other way around, if you’re looking at the stats for a particular post/page you’d like to know which referrers those views came from.) Is that right?

  • Just the first half would be fine – when I see Facebook in the referrals section – under it would be the target Page / Post on my site

    Don’t need to look at the Post and see any referrals – that would be a nice addition – but probably a fair amount of work – so that is why I just ask for the first half


  • Got it. I’ll pass along that suggestion to the folks working on the stats page. Thanks! :)

  • You be welcome – yesterday I had a bump in Facebook referrals – the number was high enough that I was able to figure out which Post it was to, but that is not always the case, and I am always interested in what content people feel like sharing from my site.

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