Better archive posts / Calendar views idea

  • Dear WordPress Staff,

    I realise that the “wish list” for new WP features is probably quite long .. but I have an item to add to it please.

    There are various ways to display the achieve of my blog’s older posts: list of Months etc but to be honest most of them are rather boring and give no actual clue to the type of posts contained inside.

    There are also severe limitations to the “category” lists, especially if you have many posts in one or several categories. For instance: I have documented two separate trips to New Zealand but the “New Zealand” tag doesn’t allow me to differentiate between them (without adding sub-categories) which I intentionally haven’t done because each trip mostly contains info on very different regions of New Zealand and I think this would confuse readers.

    I try very hard to make catchy titles to my posts and often it’s a title that leads a reader to click on a post… so I would love to see WP implement the following please:

    When you click on a Month in the archive posts, that a (full page sized) calender pops up in a separate window . The calendar would look like the “squares” sort of arrangement ie: 7 squares across ( a full week) x 4-5 squares down, so that an entire month could be seen at a glance.

    Within these squares, the blog post titles could be displayed so that all blog titles for that month could be seen in one hit…. the titles would then be clickable links leading to the post concerned.

    I think that this would be a vast improvement on the present arrangement and would also make it easier for readers to see posts that were made together… ie posts of an earlier trip rather than a later one etc.

    Many Thanks for reading this, I hope you give the idea some consideration.

    Kind regards… kiwidutch :)

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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