Best Books and Blogs For New Bloggers?

  • I’m new to blogging and would like to upgrade my skills. It seems to me I was poking around WordPress one day and found some links to some wonderful blogs about blogging by blogging experts, but I can’t find those links again. Also, I have WordPress For Dummies coming in the mail, but I’m wondering if there are any other books that I really should read.

    I’m completely out to lunch technically (it took eight years of being online before I realized I could have two windows open at once – the learning curve has flatlined) so I’m totally flummoxed by a lot of even entry level tech writing. All of that being said, I’m getting a few hundred hits a day on my blog. I have a specific topic I write about and I think I can do a lot more growing here.

    Any suggestions are much appreciated.

  • One of the best places you can start with reference to blogging is .

    I have learnt much from her and Lorelle will link to other blogs about blogging too.

    There are books out there, but to be honest I have never bothered with them and just used the online resources.

  • Lorelle is pretty advanced. Try or to start, for technical stuff. For an example of a good business blog, look at Guy Kawasaki’s: .

    Don’t bother with books; they don’t update fast enough. Surf.

  • Thanks, you two. Lorelle and OneCoolsite were the blogs I was looking for. I look forward to spending time on Kawasaki’s site.

    Raincoaster, you’ve helped me before and I always appreciate your time.

    Thank you again.

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