Benevolence theme allowed CSS edits

  • Dear forum users, I thank you for your attention and your patience. I promise that I have searched before posting here, both on site and in Google.

    I have a hosted WordPress site with the benevolence theme. I have purchased the CSS upgrade in order that we may make changes to font size etc. When I say “we” I mean “someone who knows about CSS” rather than me. Before I take this to the person who knows CSS would it be possible for someone to clarify for me if is possible to certain things? I particularly want to remove “Comments Off” which I thought one could do on all themes, but the instructions were for a different theme. I’d also like to remove the bit that says “pages”.

    Many thanks for your help.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • try this

    .commentPos {

  • Why, thank you, unmallya. Succinct and working. Your kindness in answering is much appreciated.

    A supplementary question: should one be able to turn off the RSS feed display without using CSS?

    Many thanks.

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