Beep Beep Boop screen is a joke. Is this a glitch?

  • We have no plans to permanently remove the classic editor from the dashboard, but our goal is to improve the new editor in a way that users will prefer it over the classic one.

    Thanks a lot! This is a very important answer. I must say too that I was overall very very happy with and never saw selfhosting as an option as the cloud hosting and loading speed here is just superior over small hosts or expansive dedicated hosting. But there are many other reasons why I was pretty happy here. But if you would have removed the classic editor, this would have been a big deal braker for me as well and I was already in a planing phase for alternatives too. So, thanks for this very important statement!

    Now I just would like to highlight one suggestion that has been made several times here:

    We need the possibility to store the classic editor option permanently online rather than locally with cookies. Please help us at this point. A lot of us people delete cookies quite often.

  • @sensuouscurmudgeon

    Thank you. That’s what we all wanted to hear. I must point out — not to criticize you, but those for whom you work — that this is 23 August, and this thread started on 12 August, eleven days ago, and it now has an amazing 940 comments. We could have all been spared a great deal of anxiety had your announcement been made in the beginning.

    It may well be that WP intended to remove the classic editor, but have been persuaded to keep it thanks to the constructive feedback in this thread. If that is the case then I thank WP for listening.

  • Two days ago jeremeylduvall said:

    We don’t have a specific timeline in place. Our goal is to continue to improve the new editor to such an extent that users prefer it over the classic editor.

    Now today rootjosh says:

    We have no plans to permanently remove the classic editor from the dashboard, but our goal is to improve the new editor in a way that users will prefer it over the classic one.

    I guess people power has won out after all!! :-)

    If this is the definitive answer then thanks to WP for finally listening to us!

  • @windwhistle

    @jeremeylduvall Sorry to say it, too, takes me to the BBB editor. So disappointed. I’d hoped maybe at last someone had saved me from that awful, mocking BBB screen. Those bubbles are my blood boiling, you know.

    That’s certainly frustrating! It should be taking you to the classic editor. There are still some users that are being directed to the new editor even though they’ve opted out. We’re working on fixing that issue.

    I’m sorry this isn’t working for you at the moment. The Dashboard links are going to be your best bet


    Have any of our suggestions been implemented yet, such as the too long list of categories without the parent-child(ren) or entering video urls so it’s not hyperlinked but the actual video shows up?

    We’re continually keeping the list of improvements updated here:

    The category/tag interface is something we’re working on improving so it requires less scrolling. As for the videos, when I copy and paste a YouTube video into a new post, it’s embedded, not linked (similar experience to the classic editor). I’ll be reaching out to you through private email regarding this issue!


    In this posting was not mentioned one of the biggest fails: The missing (since a few months) vertical scrollbar in the classic editor window. Yes, I know where I can activate it on a one-time basis but I’d prefer to have that change permanently.

    As of right now, I don’t believe there are plans to restore the vertical scrollbar as a permanent option. It may just live in Screen Options as it does now.


    -modifying posts, I cant modify post in Mozilla Firefox, I see ‘updating’ or ‘Beep, boop,beep’
    -editing in edit window, I cant scroll it efiiciency, select fragment to delete
    -inserting ‘more’ i visual mode doesnt work, in text mode it works
    Every last changes in wp-admin/post-new.php i see worse, errors

    I’m going to reach out to you through private email so we can work this out!


    These are all great suggestions. Just a note, I’m not going to open a new email thread with you regarding the suggestions, but we will keep the new post editor improvements thread updated here:

    If you have other bugs to report, please open a new thread and let us know!

    It’s been mentioned before, but the modules in the right sidebar of the BBB editor need to be moveable so users can arrange them in the way that is best for them. I’d move Sharing to the bottom because I haven’t touched it since the day I first set it.

    Great suggestion! I’ll pass this along.

    Visibility should be with the publish settings in the “Set To” module. Likewise the “Sticky” setting.

    I can see how this would be useful as well. Passing along!

    If we choose to leave a module open because we use it often or to remind us to check a setting, then by default it should remain open from one post to the next.

    Another great one!

    And I must mention again the alphabetical list of categories that drops down to about four times the length of anything else on my page since I have some 200 categories (hierarchical to form an index).

    We’re working on this!

    All that vertical scrolling, and the fact that the last things I do are always the settings on the right side, mean my most used settings should be on the right near the top. That’s another reason why Delete, Preview, Save, and Update or Post need to be on the upper right, as before.

    Thanks for the clarification here. It sounds like you’re looking for an arrangement that more closely mimics the classic editor and places the buttons you use most often on the top-right. I’ll pass this along!


    Thanks for clarifying the image issue. I’m reaching out to you via private email so we can communicate back and forth there.


    We need the possibility to store the classic editor option permanently online rather than locally with cookies. Please help us at this point. A lot of us people delete cookies quite often.

    As of right now, we don’t have plans to offer a permanent opt-out for the new editor.

  • Last night, we pushed out some major updates to the new editor that should resolve some of the larger concerns like saving and previewing. You can read about the new improvements here:

    As a result, we’re going to be closing this thread so we can move to more one-on-one interactions. We greatly appreciate all of the feedback you have provided here. I’ll be opening a thread with certain individuals that are having ongoing issues (I’ll drop a note here).

    If you have future bug reports or issues, please start a new thread!

  • The topic ‘Beep Beep Boop screen is a joke. Is this a glitch?’ is closed to new replies.