BBpress and WordPress

  • Hi. I am willing to insert a bbpress forum in my wordpress themed site, i’m also using Divi as builder interface.
    The page in which i want to add the forum is
    The home page of the forum is fine, but the problem is : when i click on any of the forum links, the site opens up a new “template” page, in which there is obviously no background, no image, no personalisation, etc…
    How can i force bbpress to open up links in the same page? i mean…something like iframe or whatever…i need to “embed” all the forum in the page in order to maintain styles.
    I’m asking for the easiest/better solution.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Your site is not on, but using the open source WordPress software found on The best place to ask for help with this is the self-hosted WordPress forums, or possibly the bbPress forums instead:

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