Baskerville 2: mobile device header & sidebar display

  • Hi,

    Just testing my site on all devices and the following displays incorrectly on a mobile device:

    1. Header image is truncated
    2. Sidebar displays to narrow and nothing is legible

    Many thanks

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi nilla2014

    It looks like you have made some changes since this post. I’m not seeing a sidebar on the site. Do you still need help with this?

  • Hi g471n,

    I’ve made changes for a desktop but no mobile/tablet devices:
    1. Still display my header truncated.
    2. Sidebar displays at the end of the post now, so I need to make the content area wider.
    3. Comments display as a slither of only a few characters.

    Thanks for your help! :)

  • OK, I see the problem now when you click through to the blog post.

  • You have a line of custom CSS that seems to be causing these two issues.

    2. Sidebar displays at the end of the post now, so I need to make the content area wider.
    3. Comments display as a slither of only a few characters.

    Try removing the following line from your custom CSS.

    body.single .content {
        width: 75%;
        margin-left: .5%;

    While you try that, I’ll have a look at your Header image :)

  • Hi g471n,

    I’ve removed the CSS but also:
    /*Adjust sidebar width*/
    .sidebar.fright {
    width: 22%;

    Mobile device: fixed display
    Desktop: fixed Header display; default content width is narrow and sidebar width is wide, so a lot of wasted space – reason I change these widths.
    Tablet: Header still truncated; sidebar width defaults to content width so makes sidebar images larger than on a desktop – weird

    Many thanks for you help!

    for mobile devices but the content is quite narrow and the sidebar wide with wasted space for desktop, and the reason I changed the container widths.

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