Basic Q&A forum for site

  • We have a site to promote Cotton Motorcycles and would like to add a Q&A forum in order to make the site useful to members (current and potential).
    Unless I’ve misunderstood it seems that we have to upgrade to a business plan in order to use plugins; unfortunately the cost of this is prohibitive as we are only a very small club run entirely on a volunteer basis.

    Is there a way to create a basic forum that doesn’t require plugins?
    Is there a more affordable plan/way to do this?
    Any help much appreciated!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, the WordPressdotcom P2 theme is really the only forum-type theme available without using a plugin. Many folks use this effectively as a “twitter-esque” type communication site. You can learn more about the P2 theme here:

    You would need to open an entirely separate free site just for the forum and then link it to your current site via a custom link in your site’s navigation bar.

    Another option is to open a free-hosted forum elsewhere on the web (such as proboards or forummotion) and again connect to it via a custom link on your site. I have no experience or affiliation with these external forums.

    Let us know if you have any other question about this.

  • Thank you very much for your help; I’ll look into the P2 theme but it could be simpler in the end for us to open a new forum site and link it.
    Thank you for the suggestions.

  • Hello again, you are welcome.

    Just to be clear, that is what I suggested in my earlier reply – to open an entirely separate, free WordPressdotcom site, set up the P2 theme on it and then link that new site to your current site

    Let us know if you have any other question about this.

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