Barnsbury button trouble

  • The button at the bottom of the theme’s home page, “More Recipes” is what I am having trouble with. I tried removing the button, and in “edit” mode, it is gone, but in preview mode and live mode, the button is still visible and goes to a dead link. I’d like to either remove the button or link it to my blog page. Can you please help? Thanks

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there, it looks like the button is still there, just the text color matches the background, which probably isn’t ideal, and the theme is ignoring that on the live site.

    Try using your List View to find it:

    In the second Group, you’ll see a Button. You can either use its three dots menu to remove it, or click on it and udpate its color, link, etc.

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