Balsana theme accessibility

  • I am reviewing a website for visually impaired people which uses the theme Bālāsana. These theme is listed as “accessibility ready”. Testing it with keyboard navigation and screen reader there is a “unlabelled 0 button not checked” between the header and the menu of the page.

    This checkbox seems to be used on small screens to expand the collapsed menu. On large screens, however, the menu is not collapsed, but this checkbox is still present (hidden but present in keyboard navigation). Checking or un-checking the checkbox does nothing. This is confusing when using keyboard navigation and a screen reader.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Thanks for the report! I’ll ask our accessibility team to take a look.

  • There is indeed a hidden checkbox in the html, probably there for the mobile version menu of the site.

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