Bad style for included GitHub gists with Independent Publisher 2

  • I’m using the theme Independent Publisher 2.

    Github gists have bad style and are poorly displayed (ex. the line number overlap with the code).

    This is probably due to CSS problems (indeed changing theme changes the way Github gists are displayed).

    I suspect this can be simply corrected by the author of the theme, who I would like but I don’t know how.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Stefano – I’m not sure what GitHub gists you’re referring to – mind linking to them from here so I can take a look?

  • Sure, and thanks for your help.

    For example, in the article at this link, I included a GitHub gist, following the procedure indicated on this support page

    When I include the gist, the code is correctly displayed in the WordPress editor pane. However, when I publish and visit the article at my site, the line numbering overlaps with the code.

    As I was writing this reply, I thought that it could be a platform specific issue. I can confirm the issue on Chrome 61.0.3163.79 (Linux amd64) and Chrome 60.0.3112.116 (Android x86).

    However, the gist in the same page is correctly displayed with Firefox 55.0.3 (Linux amd64).

  • Thanks for the link – that’s very helpful. I see the issue in Chrome and I’ll report it to our developers. We’ll keep you posted here.

  • Howdy!

    Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention. We’ve made a quick fix to Independent Publisher 2 and Gists should show properly now.


  • Thanks for your help and keep up the good work!

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