Backing Up Password-Protected Posts

  • I run a blog at on which I put educational material for my students. Some posts are password-protected because I wish to limit the distribution of some of my teaching materials to people within the school where I work.

    I have recently been looking into ways of backing up my blog to my hard disk. I wish to be able to backup all posts, together with pictures, audio files and PDF files, all of which I currently store in the Media Library.

    My hunt for an easy backup method recently led me to, from which I downloaded some freeware which does a good job of downloading my entire website/blog to my hard disk. But there is a problem. When I visit the local copy of the blog on my hard disk and try to access a password-protected post, I cannot open it. When I enter the password I am taken to a blank web page.

    So to my question. Does anyone here know of a way of backing up a complete copy of a blog, together with copies of media files, which also creates accessible copies of password-protected posts on a local hard disk?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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